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2025 Graduation Information

The deadline to order a cap and gown is Friday, December 20, 2024. After that, you may purchase a cap and gown for $37 from our gently used inventory; however we do provide a cap and gown rental (free of cost). Sizes are limited. Please contact Jennifer Thompson at (530) 272-2635 extension 2600 if you have further questions.
Senior breakfast and graduation rehearsal TBD
The Graduation Ceremony TBD

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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements - Credit Summary
Subject Area                                                                                                    Credits Required
World History (10th grade) 10 credits
U.S. HIstory (11th grade) 10 credits
American Government (12th grade) 5 credits (1 semester)
Economics (12th grade) 5 credits (1 semester)
English 1 (9th grade) 10 credits
English 2 (10th grade) 10 credits
English 3 (11th grade) 10 credits
English 4 (12th grade) 10 credits
Mathematics (must complete Algebra 1) 30 credits
Life Science 10 credits
Physical Science 10 credits
Visual/Performing Art/CTE/World Language 10 credits
Physical Education 20 credits
Elective/Other 50 credits
200 credits