Silver Springs accepts students 10th through 12th grades, throughout the school year. Students who are 18 years old and have completed 4 years of high school will be referred to NJUHSD Adult Education (
Students transferring from within NJUHSD go through a formal referral and withdrawal process with the sending school's counselor and administration. Intradistrict transfers are limited to enrollment at six dates throughout the year, Q1, IPR3, Q2/S1, IPR 4, Q3, & IPR6.
Silver Springs High School has an open enrollment policy for interdistrict students. Proof of residency (physical address) is required for those new to NJUHSD. Enrollment may be closed when the school’s enrollment cap has been reached.
An intake orientation for all new students and their parent(s) and/or guardian is required. This orientation will familiarize new students to all policies and procedures at Silver Springs High School. All students on a current IEP will have an intake IEP meeting to determine appropriate placement.
Your Silver Springs Counselor is here for YOU! Your counselor is here to help you plan for your future... whether it be laying out an individual academic plan to earn your high school diploma or exploring career options, your counselor is here to support your goals.
Your counselor is also here to help overcome the hurdles that can sometimes get in our way. If you are having academic concerns or personal challenges, your counselor is here to support and connect you with the resources to help you and your future success.
Your NJUHSD counselors created online resources that are full of helpful information: College and Career Guide
The mission of the Nevada Joint Union High School District’s Counseling Department is to provide all students with a strong foundation in the academic, social/emotional, and college and career areas of development.
In accordance with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model, we believe:
Every student can learn and every student can succeed.
Every student should have access to and opportunity for high-quality education.
Every student should graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary opportunities.
Every student should have access to a comprehensive school counseling program.
Effective school counseling is a collaborative process involving all stakeholders: school counselors, students, families, school faculty, administrators, and the community.
School counselors are leaders in the school, district, state, and nation.
Comprehensive school counseling programs promote and enhance student academic, career, and social/emotional outcomes.
School counselors recognize and distinguish individual and group differences and strive to equally value all students and groups.
School counselors are advocates for the equitable treatment of all students in school and in the community.
NJUHSD school counselors:
Serve as leaders and collaborators in assessing barriers to learning and academic success and will advocate for equity and access to programs for all students.
Abide by the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors to make informed decisions based on the highest moral principles.
Apply and analyze data to create effective college and career readiness programs that prepare students to compete in the global market.
Understand professional development is crucial in order for school counselors to remain current with best practices.
For an appointment to meet and/or a phone consultation; to enroll, check on progress toward graduation or for emotional concerns.
Contact: Miguel Palacios, Counselor 530.272.2635 ext. 2622
To request a transcript, please call Kim Ellis at 530.272.2635 ext. 2621